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Bénédicte Halba

Bénédicte HalbaBénédicte Halba

Bénédicte Halba, doctor in Economics, is the funding President of the Insitute for Research and Information on Volunteering (iriv) that she created in 1997 with the aim to improve knowledge and practice within the non profit sector. She is responsible for the studies & research of the Institute, for the implementation of its website, for the training programmes and conferences and directs its electronic review the rives de l'iriv (www.benevolat.net).  She has been a lecturer at the University since 2000. She has published several articles and books since 1995 and has delivered speeches in conferences, symposyums and seminars in France and Europe since 1992. She has been a partner of European projects on migration since 2003, and has initiated several projects such as Médiateur interculturel (2009), Migrapass (2010-2012), Tremplin Migrant(e)s (2011) , Trans-Cité (2012), and Di&Di (2013-2015). She was a member of the Board of the Assfam (2011-2014). Thanks to the pioneer project Migrapass, she could create a monthly Club for migrants at the Cité des Métiers in Paris in 2012 she has been holding since then. She is  a member if the scientific commitee of the Swiss Foundation  ECAP since 2015

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Susanne Huth

Susanne HuthSusanne Huth

Dipl.-Soz. Susanne Huth, researcher at NBAS Sozialforschung in Francfort sur Main (Germany) since 2003 after five years at ISIS- Institut fûr Soziale Infrastruktur (1998-2003) and four years at the University Johan Wolfgang Goethe (1997-2001). She is graduate at this University in Sociology (Master 2). Her main fields of research are: family, seniors, migrants and ethnic minorities. She is the initiator of the project MEM-VOL (2003) whose main goal was to make a state of the art on researches implemented in the field of volunteering and on migration in order to build bridges between these two areas. The project was supported by te EU and the Ministry for Family, Seniors, Women and Younsgters in Germany. She was the German partner of the Involve project which was inspired by the results of the Mem-Vol project.

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