Involve - 2005-2006
- Scope
- Objectives
- Results
- Experimentation
- European networks
- French networks
- Publications & Presentations
I. Scope
Initiated by the European Center of Volunteering (ECV), this European project was supported by the European Commission in the framework of the INTI Programme , Directorate General Justice and Home Affairs, Direction B : Immigration , asylum and borders. Eight countries were involved : Belgium, Germany, Austria, Spain, France, Hungary, the Netherlands and the United Kingdom.
II. Objectives
The topic of this project was migrants' involvement in voluntary and civic activities as a means for better integration.
The project addressed : the lack of knowledge about migrant volunteering including third country nationals' concepts of, and attitude towards, volunteering and national policies & actions that facilitate these activities ; nurtured a trans-European network; allowed for increased dialogue between stakeholders; enhanced identification, exchange and dissemination of knowledge and best practice; and made recommendations for policy changes.
The project emphasized the role of migrant in "self" organisations, the barriers that prevent migrants from volunteering, the role of national and EU policies & programmes to support migrant volunteer involvement, the role of the media, the role of local host communities. It offered a partnership models between stakeholders and explainbed an attitude of migrants towards volunteering and barriers preceived by themselves.
The project allowed : an increased visibility of third country national volunteers and volunteering organisations; a networking between all stakeholders involved in migrant volunteering and integration of third country nationals; a dialogue between stakeholders and mutual understanding across European borders on this issue; a greater cohesion amongst migrant organisations, and their improved access to mainstream volunteering resources and activities; an identification of transferable examples of good practice in this field; an increased awareness of all stakeholders of the value of volunteering to integration; and a recognition that in order to achieve results, the stakeholders must cooperate.
III. Results
- a Report on the role of volunteerism in the integration of migrants across Europe identifies transferable models of good practice in policies, programmes, infrastructures & partnerships ;
- recommendations for governments and operational recommendations for organisations ;
- informaiton among the national sub-groups and their associated networks, as well as to appropriate EU actors.
- an electronic version of the final report, the research that supports it and the three concise reports from the information seminars ;
- 3 seminars in Wolverhampton, in Valence and in Deventer
- a project website
IV. Experimentation
In Franc,e the iriv associated representatives of public bodies on local, regional and national levels together with associations of migrants and ethnic minorities and humanitarian associations. It also proposed three examples of case studies illustrating the objectives of the project in France.
V. European networks
Partner | Netherlands | | |
Partner | Belgium | | |
Partner | Spain |
Partner | Germany | | |
Partner | France | | |
Partner | United Kingdom | | |
Partner | Hungary | | |
Partner | Austria | |
VI. French networks
- Ministère des Affaires sociales, Direction des Populations et des Migrations,
- Fasild ,
- Mairie de Bobigny,
- Mairie du XIXème arrondissement,
- Maison du Combattant et des Associations,
- Association Migration, Solidarité et Echanges pour le Développement (AMSED)
- Centraider,
- Gerfac,
- Equipe de développement local du XIVème arrondissement
- Observatoire décentralisé de l’action sociale (ODAS),
- Université d’Evry Val d’Essonne,
VII. Publications & Presentations
- an article published by B.Halba (iriv, France) for the journal of the Association Centraider en octobre 2006
- final report in German, revised and corrected by CEV (BE)
- final report in English, revised and corrected by IRV (UK)
- final report in French, revised and corrected by iriv (France)
- final report in Spanish, revised and corrected by Fundar (Espagne)
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